Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Who We Are

A little about who we are as the Tanhi Clan. The Tanhi clan is the mountain clan, meaning that our life is centered around the mountains. This doesnt stop us from being part of the land too, but realistically it would make our knowledge perspective more associated with how we see things from above.
The mountains are sacred to us, they are our safety, our home. We have a great respect for the mountains and all they provide for us. Naturally we are much closer to the ikrans, and our race in general really treasures the ikrans. We, in our own way, are protectors of them. Sure they can fend for themselves, but we share our home with their nest, naturally we have a closer bonding feeling towards them and we are protective of them. This means that as other na'vi climb the Iknimaya, or stairway to heaven, on their quest to choose their ikran, we should watch them closely. We don't need to surround them, they are our brothers and sisters. But at the same time we should always watch anyone coming close to our protected ikran.

On that note, our clan has a skepticism of the humans. We don't hate them, we dont view them as enemies, but they are aliens to us. As they fly in in their ships and fly over they tend to frighten the ikran nest all across pandora. And for this, we are weary of them. there have been instances in the past where attacks have happened that shouldn't have, and these are to be ignored. Our current knowledge of the humans is that they are aliens to our home, they fly dragons we have never seen before, they wear crystal face coverings, and carry what we can assume to be weapons because of the way they carry them. Most of the interaction we have with humans is observing the scientists. They are sampling everything, our rocks, our land, our waters, and our animals. While this is concerning to us, it's not so much a threat, just something to keep us cautious.

Uri Jefferson

The Na'vi Heart 

Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself....this includes all living things. It is essential as a Na'vi to have one motto in your mind... 'We are connected'. Everything is connected in this world, even if you might not see it with your eyes, you shall feel it in your body and in your heart. Imagine if you will, millions of tendrils reaching out from every plant, every animal, every tribesman, making connections with every step you take, every action you commit and every word you speak.

Respect all that is around you, and in turn, Eywa will respect you and be pleased with you. Remove all thought of vengeance if any living being does you harm... instead, forgive them for this is their way. It is not your way.

Do not take more than you need. If you hunt a Yerik, use all of it, for to leave any behind is a waste of the life that this animal sacrificed for you to be able to eat and clothe yourself. Respect all life as you respect your own lives. If you need fruit, do not take it all and stash it away, leave some for others, or even better, give it to others, especially the new among us who are still learning to find food sources.

It is not our way to waste waste life.
Remember to always pray when you hunt and to truly feel the blessedness of this living being's sacrifice. Do not let any die in vain.

If you are unfortunate enough to stumble across a thanator, remember this too is one of Eywa's blessings and let it be. If it snarls and frightens you, run away, hide, keep your distance. Only attack if there is absolutely no other choice. You should never kill unless you have run out of other options. We are a peaceful people, and when we live at peace, we find peace within ourselves and with all others.

You will notice, we hold our meetings around our fires. This is not only to keep warm and to give us light. Fire reminds us we are is fire that burns in our hearts when we are close to our brothers and sisters. Looking in the fir, into the dancing flames, will remind you of the closeness of our people and of your place in the tribe. And if you look long enough and close enough, you might even see your ancestors dancing around the fire with you, calling to you, for they trod these paths, swam the rivers and followed their paths, just as you do today.

Never forget from whence we came, and the sacrifices made by our brothers and sisters of long ago. Without them, we would not have our wonderful stories and we would not have the knowledge to learn the ways of the Tanhi.

If you feel sad, or angry, or indeed have questions that your own heart cannot answer, seek out Olo'eyktan or Tsahik, for they are the ones with the knowledge to help.Respect them, listen to them and remember they are always there in great times of need.

If you find a brother or sister who is lost or in trouble, do not run past. Go to them and offer them your help, your love and your guidance. If you cannot help, take them to Olo'eyktan or Tsahik so that they might find what they need.

We are one. We are all connected. Never forget that as you tread your path, for without that sense of onenesss, you will be lost and your path will be bent and filled with wrong turns.
May Eywa bless our brothers and sisters and all that we share this world with.

Graelwyn Magic