
 Olo'eyktan Keyeung
I was borne to a small village many cycles walk from here, as a child I was very strong willed and independent, my parents were spiritual healers and teachers for the village, it was their wish I should follow in this path from my earliest age. I learned well, but my heart lay elsewhere, secretly I yearned for the path of hunter warrior, my parents always disapproved of my spending time with the my friends who were destined to become warriors. My name means insanity and perhaps this is true, as even at a young age I would spend long periods of time in the forest, I would stalk the forest animals and pretend to hunt, once or twice I very nearly ended up as lunch.

I didn't really got to know my parents as I grew apart, spending more and more time in the forest exploring, hunting, from 12 moon years onwards I began to spend more and more time away, always coming back with gifts and finds, my absence's however became longer. I found things that I couldn't understand, a strange thing with bodies in it, but not Na'vi, I was scared but curious and wanted to know more, I had seen creatures in the sky that were not of this world. I returned home after a long time away as I knew that soon I would have to decide my path and start my training, what I found will haunt me for the rest of my life.

There wasn't much left, and no people, what little that remained was mostly ruins, I searched for my parents dwelling but it was gone, there was no-one, I felt so alone. Returning to the home I had come to know so well the forest, there I survived for a moon year before at the age of 15 moon years moving on. Without a plan or destination I walked for many moons, from time to time I would encounter other small village's and peoples, always I was made welcome, I learned much later that a great natural disaster had befallen my village and peoples, a great wave had come through the night a flood, most of my peoples had drowned that night and the few who had escaped with their lives had scattered.

I never found what happened to my parents, but I kept searching and moving on, I had heard more of these strange sky creatures and wanted to know more for myself, I followed the trails left in the sky, alone and underweight I stumbled into this forest which I didn't know, I found more sky creatures and noisy things not of this world that chased me though the forest. Mostly they came at day so I learned quickly that I could get close to their encampment during the hours of the moon, I saw strange creatures that looked Na'vi but were somehow different, and I saw more of these creatures who's bodies I had first found several moon years ago. I could not understand their tongue so hid from them.

I was welcomed into the Tahni clan when I was was found wondering around their mountains.....

Olo'tsantslusam Neytiri 

 I have finally reached a place in my life that I can lead using much wisdom I have gained as a member of the Tanhi Clan. Having been Olo'tsantslusam,Tsahik , Olo'eyktan now Olo'tsantslusam again, I have learned many things. The one thing I learned from a very young age was the connection of all things. I realise the importance of this connection and try to guide with this constant in my mind. Knowing this I live my life wanting to protect and nuture the very essence of Eywa.


 Ikran Makto Atan

When I was 10 Years old my Family dissapeared. I was left with nothing. All I knew was that a single nantang was left inside my familys hut. I asked it why it was there and what it did with my family. It just ran away. I followed it deep into the forest.

Soon I had followed it to deep and got lost. I curled up by a push fuit tree. I fell asleep quickly. I woke up to feel something warm next to me. My eyelids protested. I peeled at my eyes and heard a crack as if something wet had fallen
from the tree and caked onto my eyelids. my eyes Finaly opened and looked down to see a small nantang. I jumped up and backed away. He opened his eyes slowly and I saw love and kindness in them.

He jumped up to his feet and barked a tiny bark and his eyes looked as if they were saying follow me. He turned and I followed him. We had gone so deep into the woods I did not know where I was. his path lead me to a pack of nantangs.

I could tell wich one was the mother because she looked up with a growl as soon as we approched her. She was also much bigger then the pups. The little nantang tugged on my skirt and i followed. the mother looked down with what I would have suspected was surprise.

The little nantang dragged me into the area of wich the mother was resting. She stood up and circled me three times like she would circle her prey. she crouched and was ready to spring but The little nangtang that lead me there stood infront of me. As if protecting me from its mother. She yipped somthing to her mother. and the older nangtang stood and looked at me. She raised an eyebrow and walked closer. She the licked me. After many years the mother nangtang died. I was 17 at the time
I have been by myself for over three years after that. Sister tingay found me asleep. She shook my should. I attacked her. Untill i relized she was one of us.

"Oh my gosh. I am sorry sister. I thought you were a human." "It is okay. What is your name sister?" " Atan lxe'lan. But you can call me Atan. That is what my parents used to call me." "Yes. I see you are out here alone Atan. Where are your clan?"

I looked down. "I do not have a clan anymore sister. Forgive me but I do not know your name." She seemed startled.

"What do you mean you do not have a clan? You are out here all alone?" "Yes sister?" She looked at me. "Oh tingay. My name is Tingay." "My family dissapeard...." I told her my story.

She then after a couple of weeks Introduced me to sister doj. I quickly made friends and became part of the clan. And now here we are sister.

 After a while of being in the Alimatan I have met a man named Keyeung. I have fallen in love with him. I soon hope to join Tanhi clan with him, if my Olo' Eyktan agrees with it.

Taronyu Kama 

My name is Kama Kto-YaTsampay, I am a new hunter apprentice in the Tanhi clan. I was born and lived in a small fishing village on a coastal valley near the ocean and we could barely see the mountain ridges of the nAvitar forest. My name means Rider of the Water and was an only child. My father taught me how to swim and fish at a very young age. Every morning we would swim into the bay and in some of the connecting rivers that fed out of the ocean to spear fish for the family and the village. We had a few species of fish that Eywa, through our Tsahik, forbade us to fish, so we instead swam with them in the bay and followed them into the rivers mimicking their swimming style. We all grew to respect the water and the fish and after evening meal, we all would celebrate Eywa for what she provided for us with this wonderful environment. Life was simple, the water provided us with much food and we had no worries.

On one afternoon, as I swam and played with the forbidden fish, I found myself in one of the rivers. All of a sudden there was this great storm that came in from the ocean having a strength that no one had ever experienced before. The wind and tides were very strong. I could barely see, but what I could see was that our huts were being blown away. I could also feel the current in the water starting to push me away from the village further and deeper down the river. I swam with all my strength and effort to get closer to my village to no avail.

I don't remember too much what happened afterward from sheer exhaustion, but I awoke on the river bank shore on the other side of the mountain ridges in the nAvitar forest. To my amazement, I saw these huge and plentiful mountains floating in the sky. We didn't have these kinds of mountains in my valley and I immediately fell in love with them. I also felt very drawn to them, some kind of attachment, a bond. I found the Iknamaya and made my way up. Through my exploration, I was able to survive only by eating some of the fruits that were known to me as most vegetation here was foreign compared to where I came from. I would sometimes see these strange and loud dragons flying around and being fearful of them, I always stayed in hiding while exploring these mountains. A good week must have passed until I finally encountered another Na'vi. I had just met the Tanhi Tsahik, Neytiri Aurotharius, and she openly invited this lost Na'vi into the Tanhi tribe as a hunter after telling her my story.

Eyk' tsamsiyu Makto  Cumfort

I have no memory of my family my earliest memories are in the wild hunting for food and wandering. I never stayed anywhere very long seemed like trouble always followed me in one shape or another. I guess I am just a restless soul or should I say I was. It was the worst fight I had ever been in I thought I was dead, I woke to see her staring in to my eyes telling me every thing was going to be fine now. I fell in love on the spot and swore to my self to always protect this sweet girl.

I was still wild and restless but she would help me recover and didn’t try to tame me like others had. Soon we started to go out together and find adventure we stayed close to her home, as she did not like being away from them for long. But one day we returned form a long hunt; there was not a trace she began to weep franticly. I did my best to care for her and protect her.

After a time we came upon the mountains and decided they would offer some protection. I found a cave for shelter and game for food she found us fruit and healing herbs so we were comfortable. Then one day we cam across a clan the welcomed us in and treated us like family. Sandy looked so happy to belong again I hope we can find a place in this clan.

Tsahik Sandy

One of my first memories is of my great grand mother treating a sick little girl we found in the forest. This small girl was starved and had been alone a long time. Our family took her in. She was very adventurous and curious. Her name was Cumfort and she always seemed to be getting in to things. My grandmother would take me for long walks in the forest and teach me about all the plants and their healing properties.

As I grew up, I became very close to Cumfort. She would be off on an adventure and as usual come back hurt and I would nurse her back to health. We became inseparable. First as good friends, then much more. Soon I was going off with her on her adventures. It was after one of these trips that it happened. We arrived back at our camp and found an empty glade, there was not a trace of my family. I fell apart and if it wasn’t for Cumfort, I would not have made it. She took care of me this time, provided for me and protected me. Eventually we made our way into the mountains looking for safety.

It was by no means easy, we struggled for survival from day to day. And not knowing what befell my family fear was always at the back of my mind. But we made a strong team, Cumfort and I we hunted and moved around searching for what I have no idea. Then we discovered the floating mountains and we found the Tahni clan. I hope we can find the peace we have searched for here.

Hawpanyu Kaltaw 

Kaltaw lost his parents when he was 7 learning the ways of hunting and gathering. Both his mom and dad were killed by a pack of viperwolves. he never seen them again. his childhood was harsh he went off and hunted and gathered using what he was taught at a young age till now at age 18. he still acts like a child sometimes because his lack of family. he is usually off on his own a lot and is a very curious na'vi. he has recently found an adopted father named Nashing Way who is currently mentoring him in the ways of a man. He is like a father. Neytiri his other teacher showing him all she can like Nashing Way. she is like a mother to him. she always ask for his help to teach him some new things like how to use Ecotherapy to heal, and teaches him to be a man not a child.

Hawpanyu Uniltira 

I am new to most in the Tanhi Clan, but, perhaps not to all as I was accepted in many moons ago. As this is a suprise to most, I will tell you my story. I was born Uniltira Aytanin not of the mountains, but, my heart was always part of the mountains. My mother always called me a dreamer, and she had named me thus when i was born. She had a vision, she explained to me one day when i asked her why she named me so, that I would be full of dreams and that was why she chose the name Uniltira. As I reflect on what she told me, the vision was correct, cause i was always dreaming of one day being a part of the mountains and possibly flying around them. I don't know, but, the way I was or am might have something to do with my father being a Hawpanyu and mother being a Sreuswira.

As I grew I learned some of the healing talents of my father, but, as a child learned more of the dance from mother. Learning to dance was easier to a child than all the intracacies of a healer. My parents trusted that Eywa would one day show me what I needed to do, so, let me do as I wanted, never pushing me one way or another. They only told me that Eywa would guide me to the path chosen for me, one day. So, it was as a dancer that I had joined the Tanhi clan, the first time, when I was old enough to chose. I wanted to entertain the clan around the camp fire after nights of stories of brave hunts and the past, trying to weave them into my dance for them. But, it was not long before I started having dreams, dreams of people hurt and others healing them. So, after many dreams, I decided to go on a trip of soul searching, to find out what it was Eywa wanted me to do with my life. Therefore, many many Moons ago I left the clan I came to love as my family, to leave the area of land I called home and went on my journey.

As I wandered with Eywa's guidance, I met many new clans and saw much more land. I would stay long enough to learn new things from each place, the way others accomplished the same things as we did back home. Then Eywa would pull me to another place and another and another. After a while, one night i reflected back on what Eywa had taught me and noticed that she had not taught me one thing about dancing, but, how others tended to their people. How each clan nutured and healed each other using the gifts that Eywa had given them. How each clan, location, people, were devoted to our Mother, Eywa and lived their lives to honor her. So, at that time mothers words came to me, "it is not what you do as long as you honor Eywa and the people, we are all her children, do what you can to help all."

It was at that point a yearning to head home was manifested in me, and the determination to become the best healer i could be to help my people and to honor Eywa.

I am now home to do just that and with the clan I feel I belong to.


When you look at me, the first thing you may notice is the missing tuft on the end of my tail. I was told that I was born that way. I never knew my parents. Not my real ones anyway. I grew up with my foster parents. My parents drowned in the great flood, climbing as they lifted me to safety They lived on a mountain far from the main Tanhi clan mountain. I longed to join the clan but I never ventured away until one night when my foster parents were out hunting together. I climbed all night and through the next few days to find the Tanhi clan. I wanted so much to meet my brothers and sisters and learn the ways of the na'vi from them. Then one night, I saw a fire in the distance and I knew I was home. I had forgotten what my real name was when the flood happened so I went to the humans to ask what the word for great anger was since no word in Na'vi could really express what I was feeling. I learned the word Rage from them. I then named myself RAGE'txepta-Eywa (fire from Eywa).

Karyu Tirea Txe'lan

I was born in a time when the sun was high and the moon rested low. As a child, I would run around the forest, fearless and free, certain that nothing could harm me or my little world. I was taught of the Thanators of course, but I also was taught that like all, they belong to EYWA and as such, must be respected and loved as all living things.

My Grandfather was Tsahik of the Tanhi and thus was my Great Grandfather. It is my hope that one day I shall be a great leader too, but all in good time for I am yet young.

I do not remember much of the day that changed this world for me, but it was when I was young enough to survive, yet old enough to grieve with the great sorrow that is born of loss. It was on a hunting trip that both my parents were killed by a great thanator, the largest of his kind in the forests below. Being brave warriors they did not run and fought to protect their tribe and one another until they could no longer fight.

Of course, the tribe did their best to offer me comfort... to continue the work of raising me, but from that time, my life changed, and so did I. Feeling myself alone in the world, I wandered our mountains and the forest below, seeking answers to all the questions that came to me. I observed the living things about me, and prayed to EYWA to show me the way to forgive that which killed my parents; to stop the anger and hate that filled my being. I knew it was wrong, and I knew that such was not what my parents would have wished.

The years passed, and I wandered, talking little, but watching all. I talked to all that I saw, but little to my brothers and sisters. I felt I was preparing myself for some great task ahead, and had visions that showed me how all was connected and intertwined. I told of my dreams, but only few were interested... I often wondered if they were frightened of my dreams.

I learnt to flow like the water of the river and to fly like the winds of a great storm. I learnt to sit so still that I merged with the ground beneath me. Each day I prayed and I still pray for EYWA to show me the way...the right way, and EYWA gave me the dream that told me I must teach others the same ways, and show others the beauty that is in all. Yes, even in the Thanator that killed my beloved parents, there is beauty. It is from this that I learnt to only kill if I must, for to take a life always has a great price for us.

I am still a wandered, but of late, I am learning to once again embrace and share with my people and even to let my child self show itself, for I am very playful in spirit. I am always learning and it is my nature to share all that I learn, as I learn it. For to share is to love, and to love is to share. And thus here I am, at the beginning of my path, stepping slowly and a little timidly into the circle that is life and that is my people, and ready to offer all that I can offer, to ensure their lives are safe and that they might continue to see the world as EYWA would wish them to see it.
May EYWA watch over you, keep you safe and help you choose the right path, brothers and sisters.

 Karyu Jomahyah Lat'kekt

 Jom ( Jomahyah Lat'kekt) grew up with the Horse People of the Land of Horses. His mother was from these Horse People, and his father was from the Drums People of the Plains.

As a young Na'vi, his family traveled more than most. Jom's father had fallen in love and mated his mother while on a long journey, and could never seem to end his wandering.
Every year Jom's family traveled to celebrate with other family members. As hunters on horses it was easy to cover great distances and Jom too has never found it easy to settle long in one place. Each hunting trip as a young Na'vi male took him further and further from his home. Jom had met many great and friendly Na'vi on these journeys. So many times he had been healed or fed by a stranger, there would appear at each critical time in his life someone to save him from death. It was as if Eywa had set these strangers to be in the place where they were needed most. There was always something new to learn. A new way to fish, or a new food to learn about, or plants to use for medicine, new building techniques, different shells to make beads out of, or different hair pieces ... all of this facinated the young Jom.

With each trip getting longer and the time away from home greater, it was not long until more time was spent traveling than being at home. As Jom traveled from the north past the mountains, and made it to the Sea Coast of the East he met the people of the Inland Swamps. These people were called Hunter People of the Swamps. It was here that Jom met his fate to be the prey of a Swamp Hunter. One of the females "Fahufwe Po'es'yay" ( By Means of the WInd Her Fate is Moved ) told her friends the first time she saw Jom " See that stranger, he is mine - Stay away from him" .

Jom and Fahu (as he calls her) were mated soon after, and are thankful to Eywa for the gift of their union. They were blessed by Eywa with a daughter soon after their union. Fahu did not know she had married a wanderer, and it was not long until she realized it was hard to hold Jom in one place. Fahu, realizing Jom was restless resigned herself to life of traveling. She had convinced Jom to wait until the child was old enough to walk, so when the child was able to walk they made their first trip back to the place Jom was raised.

Jom and Fahu have spent many seasons together and have seen many sunsets while laying together on the shores the Great Seas and on the Great Plains on each side of the Great Mountains.
Jom had heard stories of , and always wanted to climb the Sacred Floating Mountains, and Fahu knew they could not pass many times before he would set out to explore these mountains. It was on his first day into these mountains that he met Neytiri Aurotharius, and soon after was welcomed into the Tanhi Clan........

Kenong Eytukan 

 I am Eytukan. My parents were of the Omatikaya clan. My early childhood revolved around one desire, to perform the Iknimaya, a right of passage in which a youngster must climb up into The Thundering Rocks to find an Ikran. I remember that from the time I could speak I would ask my father everyday, 'Is it today father?' My father was a renowned hunter in our clan. I also looked forward to when I could become a hunter like my father.

One day my father came back from the forest with a very tiny infant and her ailing mother. The clan healer did all she could to impart healing to her but sadly, she didnt make it. The child, called Leyra, even though very thin and undernourished appeared to be a survivor. I was a little older than her but she was really small in stature. She grew up in our clan and I became very protective of her. She was such a tiny thing and had the tendency to get into every mischief imaginable. We became very good friends and she shared with me her dream to one day reach the floating mountains. I thought it was a bit silly that a tiny thing like her could want to peform such a feat but I promised to help her. I had my own wish to go into those mountains and find an Ikran anyway.

Before my dreams could be fulfilled something terrible happened. One fateful day a deadly tornado roared through the village. Huts were torn up and flung wide I watched in horror as the tornado swept away everything in its path. My eyes darted around and saw Leyra staring in confusion. Without out thinking i grabbed her and ran. I ran as fast as I could away from the horror that was developing before my eyes.
Leyra was sobbing wanting to know what was going on. One thing was on my mind...survival.

We wandered in the forest for many moons. Luckily I had my bow and some arrows and basic hunting skills that i had learned from my father. We lived on fruit and whatever I was able to find. At some point I thought I was going to lose leyra. She was so weak and wanted to just lie down and die. She was all I had left and i would not hear of it. I kept her sprits up by telling her about the floating mountains and how happy and peaceful it will be there. When she could not walk I carried her and we continuted our jorney.

Just when I thought we would never get there Eywa sent help our way. We were asleep round the fire when a sound woke me. There was something near Leyra. She woke up and screamed but we needed not to be afraid. It was Karyu Ney'ite of the Tanhi clan. The mountain people! Eywa had smiled on us. Karyu told us how she had somehow felt led to this spot. She took us to the clan and introduced us to Neytiri, the Olo'eyktan of the clan. We were welcomed with open arms.

I still have my dream of finding an Ikran. Today i am a Kenong, warrior apprentice, with the Tanhi clan. Everyday I thank Eywa from bringing
me to this wonderful place.


I don't have any memory of my father and a vague recollection of my mother. However I do remember her telling me stories of the floating mountains. I had always found these stories fascinating and hoped one day to find these mountains. I was told by the clan that brought me up, the Omatikaya clan, that me and my mother had been found deep in the forest by a hunter.  My mother was half dead from a strange illness and I was sitting by her side crying. We were both taken in by the clan. But sadly my mother never saw the sun rise the next day. It was joked that my mother must have given me the name 'Leyra' (blue horse) because I had the habit of prancing around on all fours like a horse. I have never been steady on my feet, always had the tendency to fall over ( I still have!).
I was allowed to run free but was beloved by all. I had one goal,to find the floating mountains my mother told me of. The clan members used to shake their heads in amusement at the little thing who had big dreams to go to the floating mountains. But deep within me I knew there was something in those mountains that called to me and I knew that if I could get there I would be finally home. But I was afraid. Afraid to venture out. I have never been good with directions and have a fear of the unknown.
I had become friends with the son of the hunter who had found me...Eytukan. he was a little older than me and very protective of me. He said he would go with me on my quest as he too would love to find the floating mountains.

Our journey happened sooner than we planned. Something terrible happened one night at the Hometree. i dont know exactly what. I remember there was screaming, shadows darting here and there. And then Eytukan came and grabbed me and we started running. We ran and ran. I thought I was going to die from exhaustion. But Eytukan urged me on. Finally I couldnt take it anymore. I just wanted to lie down and die. Eytukan would hear none of it. He lifted me on his back till we were a safe distance from whatever happened. After I had rested he explained that a terrible tornado had torn the village apart. I cried when I realised that I would never see all the loving people of Omatikaya again. Eyutkan comforted me as best as he could. We spent long time wandering in the deep forest. Eytukan said we were headed for the floating mountains. And that kept my strenght up. He hunted and I picked fruits and thus we were able to wander for many moons.

Everyday we would ask Eywa to guide us and bring us safely to our destination.
One night I awoke to find someone staring down at me. I was petrified and called out for Eytukan. But I was told I need not be afraid. It was Karyu Ney'ite of the Tanhi clan!
Eywa had guided us to this spot! Karyu led us on d the rest of our journey home and we were both warmly welcomed into the Tanhi clan.
I am ever grateful to EYWA, my dear friend Eytukan and the lovely Karyu who is now a very dear friend to me. My dream came true...I am home!



Leonie Adored

The difficulty in our life is not arriving to a destination, rather to change the path in the right moment.
Since my youngest brother died during an attack by a horde of viper wolves I live in the awareness, to change my path too late, to become a warrior, a protector of my folk and family; a path which I wished my whole life. I was not there to defend my beloved brother; I was not allowed to attend him on his way to another Na’vi clan, because the time was very dangerous, the fauna became wilder and aggressive in that region. And my parents and brothers were always anxious to protect me, like a mother protects her baby.  
Our wishes are the anticipation of our skills living in us; they harbinger of that what we’re capable to become to achieve.
Since I start to realize the difficulties and scope of risks in life, I struggled with myself to follow my anticipation. But that desire was stifled under the oppressive protection of my parents and my older brothers. When I become older I announced my desire and I've fought many battles with my them. My younger brother was the one, who believed in me; with him I fashioned my first bow, arrows and a quiver and hide them in the forest; with him I comb the forest; learned to skulk like a thanator on the track of its prey; my arrow search and find in a sure way its destination.
The time passes but my parents and older brothers never gave me the chance to adduce evidence of my covert skills. Then the one day when my younger brother died, I sat alone in the forest, at one with Eywa. I knew the day was advanced, to follow my destiny, my own path. I slung my weapons over my shoulder and marched in to see my mother. In that moment she saw me, she knows that the day was coming now, that I will leave my shelter in my beloved family. She hugged me close saying: “Go find your future and may Eywa protect you always.” She gave me a pouch she'd made, stuffed it full with provisions and walked me into the forest.
The forest was like an old friend, as children we'd play and hide in its thick mantle. We'd track one another and because I was smaller than my brothers I could hide very well. They wore the welt of my blunted arrow on them more than once. But the arrows in my quiver are now all sharp tipped. They are for defence and to hunt. I knew it was not a game any longer.
I trained my skills; passed through the forest as a silent shadow; always listen to the “voice” of the forest, always in the awareness of the dangerous. I survived for a long time on my own, grew in inner strength and confidence. I became a skilled hunter and tracker. My agility and knowledge kept me out of danger. Then one day I used those skills I’d learnt. It was as if every thing came together on that one day. The skills I’d learnt and my destiny.
The forest had softened, a sure sign a Na’vi was moving in the area. I caught a glimpse of him ahead. I slipped to cover. He passed and I followed at a distance. For a day and evening I tracked him. Finally I sat watching him through the gap in the covering leaves. He'd eaten and rested against a ground log in Eywa’s care as the night fell. Then the forest went deathly quiet. I crouched low to the ground for protection. A chill ran my spine and tail. There was only one of Eywa’s forest creatures that evoked that response. Then, not more then three paces in front of me fell the black pads of a thanator. Silent as night the dark shadow passed and my heart pounded so fierce I thought it would give me away. The low growl of the thanator was a sign it was on the hunt; it was circling and the Na’vi was its prey. I came up behind the log; in the sureness it would not see me. I slipped forward low to the ground. The vegetation cleared ahead. I stopped at the edge of cover and peered around. I saw the thanator as it started to circle in having passed beyond the log and its prey. I slipped an arrow to bow. Aimed and fired then froze as the thanator let out a growl. The Na’vi knew that sound and he was up. I stepped into the clearing setting another arrow lightly. "Thanator run." I yelled as I fired to the beast that began its slinking run in. The arrow it struck its mark, the beasts head. It broke stride at the unexpected impact. But I was already withdrawing into the vegetation. I kept low and ran silently heading for safety. By the time I had gained height I’d heard a fearful sound. Eagerly I looked through the vegetation. The thanator had fallen and the Na’vi stood on a small branch. The thanator jumped and clawed at the tree trunk but the Na’vi was just out of reach.

The difficulty in our life is not arriving to a destination, rather to change the path in the right moment. Our wishes are the anticipation of our skills living in us; they harbinger of that what we’re capable to become to achieve. I changed my path, followed my anticipation and used my skills. I became a protector, too late for my brother, but soon enough to be at the right time at the right place, to rescue the life of a brother, brother Shazel.
The rest is history; we set forth together on our path, to follow our destiny, to find the Tanhi Clan in the mountains. And here I will introduce from my brothers and sisters in become a good Tanhi member and a warrior.
I thank Eywa to protect me as well and to find my path; the path I will follow complied with the nature and fauna and in the will of Eywa

Kenong Shazel

My world began as I stood with other Na`vi watching my parents bodies and spirits being geturned to Eywa. There is no memory before that and precious little of the time that followed. That ceremony  unleased a longing: I had always yarned to  wander this world since a child. That desire became so strong I could not resist and  that evening I set off alone into the great forests of our land. 
At first i wandered aimelessly, searching to fill the void within, but soon necessity  had  me focusing on survival.  I quickly became aware that the forces of life and death  were of Eywas will.  My focus changed, I sought seclusion within the great forest and Eywas protection that I may grow in understanding whilst trusting in that protection.
I have seen much whilst  on my sojurn.  On more than one occasion I have seen the great and terrifying Palulukan (Dark Rider thanator)  pass by. Its dark form as a shaddow drifting  through the forest is a sight to behold, one that stops your breath, least it be heard and betray you.
And once I may have glimpsed the mighty  leonopteryx (Last Shaddow toruk) flying high overhead, a form that flashed over the leafy canopy and vanished so fast I could not say with certantity that I had seen it,  but the confusion and fear that glimpse left in my mind could have only come from the sighting of such a beast.
I have been tracked by the Nantang  Viper Wolf, enduring a forced skirmished filled race for my  life to leave this persistant predators territory before I could  rest, only to find there are many  territories and each hold Nantang  Viper Wolfs.
I have run with others of the forest before  startled  Angtsil  ( Hammerhead Titanotheres ) ; the forest shaking with their rampaging steps as they charged blindly running down any that stayed in their path.

All of these things Eywa has allowed me to witness, perhaps that I may grow in her wisdom and  come to know Eywas protection of me and of the Clans of the Na`vi.  But one day it all changed, either Eywa withdrew her protection from me or I just became careless I do no know to this day, but on that day I became the hunted and surely should have perished but for the protection of  a fellow wanderer of the lands.
Evenings mantle had covered the land and I had eaten well, choose to sit on the forest floor, rest my back to a moss covered log, it was quiet, peaceful. I watched as a myriod of inscets scurry over the vegetation, the rocks and ground. I became mesmerized by the the life teaming  all about me. I do not know how long I sat there at one with Eywa but the forest was already lit by its incandescent light when I was startled back to reality.
 The approaching flight of an arrow awoke me, my eyes opened as it skimmed past my face to slam into the log.  I was up immediately, breaking the shaft as i stood. Looking back along the flight path I saw the Na`vi standing in clear sight, another arrow had already been set loose...but this one was lightly bowed and well off to my left.  "Dark Rider (thanator)" the Female yelled, my head spun to follow the arrows gliding  flightpath as i bolted: the dark shaddow it prodded boiled and snarled in rage. It was likley encircling me before closing in for the attack, I would have never seen its approach.
But the Na`vis arrow had gained me precious seconds. I raced up the tapering log that led onto a low branch to the accompany  of closing snarls. I leapt for a branch  that curved its way up into the leafty safety; glanced down but the Na`vi was not  to be seen. The black shaddow had scrambled over the log, fleetingly paused to sniff the groung  where I had sat. It let out a fearful snarl and looked around to where the Na`vi had stood. Fear gripped me at the  thought of its next target. I jumped back down to the rising log, ventured down further than I should. I now sought its attention and precious time for another.  The black shaddow spun in an instant and lept for the branch, slithered,  scratched and snarled its way up  so fast it was almost on top of me before i heard the groaning then slpintering of the  bough under foot. I drew my knife and lept for the tree trunk as the cracking got louder until it gave way under the the weight.  Down went a tangled mass of vines, inscets and vegetation hurtling to the forest floor and in the midst of the showering confusion went a rything Thanther.  I slammed  the knife into the thick bark for a hold and hung there briefly then using bow to break and hook branch and braced toes dug into the bark I  withdraw  the knife I managed to  reposition it until  I could gain footing on a small branch. Here I stood motionless... the focus of the thanthers attention for a long time.
It was well into the night before I found the Na`vi female, she sat on a high branch peering over at the pacing Dark Rider (thanator)  below which periodically stopped to glare up and snarl at its betrayer.  How and why she was there at that time only Eywa knows...but I am thankful, and whilst I  give thanks to Eywa for my being ...  my life.... my life...that was saved by the Tanhi Leonie Adored.
I have walked alone in  the great forests of the Na`vi for a long time, so long that the past has been lost in the journey, perhaps it is now time I rejoined my Brothers and Sisters.

Kenong Co'Nie

I am Co' Nie prounced KON ee and this is my story.  I belong to the Tanhi Clan and training to be a Hunter. 
My childhood I grew up not knowing the Mountains or the forest. I am from the desert plains many many days ride from where I am now.  The name they gave me at birth means:
Go into - travel through. 
This I could not understand for many years the elders where always telling me "dont go there - stay away".  I grew up feeling very confused as a child. My Elder was the Medicine man of the family and my feelings and wisdom grew daily.  Learning to heal and protect I was starting to feel useful. 
 As I grew older my spirit grew for adventure and my walkabouts where becoming longer and longer.  Around the campfire one evening after supper I said goodnight to all i knew and headed to bed.
  Hours later when the moon was high and my path was shown from the moonlight, i set out for what I had heard about around the fires. The elders spoke of a place they forbid any of us to travel too.  My curiosity took over and I headed out with just my stick, a handfull of small rocks and bones, water and wits.  As I traveled along my path I came across many animals and birds that I had never seen before.
I had been walking for what seemed like days but was only hours, so I curled up in a single tree I had come acoss.  The tree was magnificant in its stature and Hollowed out, I climbed inside and fell asleep.  The little water I had was enough to keep me going for a few days so I knew I was ok and fell into a deep sleep.  As I woke the next morning looking out across the plain from where I had come, I saw nothing but emptiness. I spun around and there before me, where these huge trees a forest had become a jungle over night.  In the dark I told myself the moonlight can play tricks on such young eyes.
 Looking up at this forest I feared what was on the other side.  For all these years I was told never to travel beyond this point.  My desires grew and knew there was something there for me.  After all my name meant Go INTo and travel through.  With this in my mind I knew somehow I would be ok. 
I picked myself up and started to walk.  The coolness of the forest engulfed me.  The sounds were amazing.  The echo was mysterious.  I walked on with no fear.  In the distance I could see some hills.  The closer I found myself being drawn to these I needed to climb to find my way.  The sound of running water and the echo from the fast flowing waterfall pulled me in closer.  I found myself on the log before the falls and looked up.  The forest had closed in around me.  The light was shinning bright and as I turned a path of flowers were running up the hillside.  Not knowing how high these hills went I walked for days.  Though mazes of flowers and huge trees. As I climbed the last peak before me stood Kama Kto- YaTsampay.  Instantly with open arms I felt at home.  Telling me of the Tanhi Clan and Kama's story I listened and left instantly warmed by his stories.  Kama then listened to my story of adventure and the sadness of who I had left behind.
All my life I felt out of place on the plains a feeling of emptiness, with this journey I have found peace and harmony and with the love of Eywa I hope I can share my spirit with all.