
And so it begins, Keyeung peers through the hanging vines, the beautiful bioluminescense both partly illuminating yet obscuring his features, beneath the apparent calmness and serenity lay altogether more sinister intentions. Moving silently he follows the tracks in the ground, pausing only to consider the events that had led to this juncture. 

He pauses, reaching down he sifts some of the earth through his fingers, the odour strong, yes these tracks were fresh, he was close. His heart racing, the blood pounding in his ears "a little further" he mouths silently to himself. For now it was simply enough to learn of where these tracks lead, he freezes hearing a distant snarling and hissing his ears fold right back, his tail drops, crouching low, he peers down the steep bank.

There is was, he had found it, long had he suspected it to be here somewhere, but now he was looking into it, a cavern, hidden with forest growth, he made out bones scattered around the entrance. The snarling grows louder in his ears, as he silently like a liquid moves back into the forest, he had found his goal the real danger would come later.    

The bow making ritual of Leo’ni Nìmwey

Today is the day to advance on my chosen path as an Ikran makto, to follow my destiny to become a protector of my folk and family. Today, under the guidance of my excellent mentor Kama, I will fashion a new bow with the blessing and wisdom of Eywa, to become closer to Eywa and to my brothers and sisters. Awakened in the awareness, this day will be for myself a legendary day, I paused and get lost in thoughts and memories.
My thoughts returned to my childhood where, together with my youngest brother, I fashioned my first capable bow, in the secret of the forest, kept hidden from my father and my older brothers. We made our own ritual, like children do. Already at that time we took care to use the wood from a suitable tree, with flexible wood. After I climbed up to the highest passable branch to harvest the best piece of wood I could get, we went to a sunlit glade, where we surmised, that Eywa has her home, because at this place we felt the spirit and vibes of Eywa, more than at any other place. In the centre of the glad, we present on a huge flat rock our harvest. We placed the woods, sinew from my father’s hunts, feathers and a sliver of rock, which we found on our adventures through the forest. We kneel down, with the view to the sky, dazzled by the noonday sun, and paused in this magical moment. The hearts of two young Na’vis pounded so fierce, like the tribal drums of their Clan. It seemed that the sun starts to shine brighter, what we guess as a sign of Eywa, that we did well. Then my brother showed me, how to assemble the pieces to make my first bow.
Tears ran down my cheek in memories to my dead beloved brother, always remembered that I followed my destiny too late. All the more I can hardly await to learn all skills of a good Ikran makto, therefore I’m determined to work hard for this great honor.
Kama, my mentor, will lead me to the tree, where he was already leaded by our Olo’Eyktan. To harvest the wood from the same tree, as my brilliant Olo’Eyktan Keyeung already did, struck me with awe and a feeling of honor. To be prepared in the best way, I spent hours in the forest, to look for a suitable tree and to collect the feathers and slivers of a rock for the arrows. Near the home tree, I arrived at a huge tree, covered by a thick mantle of leaves. I tried to spy trough the leaves. After I climbed up to the highest spot, through the thicket of the tree, I assumed this could be a suitable one. In this cognition I decided to relax the remaining hour on a huge log besides this tree and get lost again in thoughts and the impressions of the recent past: the fateful encounter with Shazel, our conjoined way to the mountains, the cordial welcome of Keyeung to the Tanhi clan, to become a clansman at the side of all my brothers and sisters and finally to get the chance and the guidance to follow my wished path, to find my destiny in the will of Eywa.
It is time now, to slung for the last time my old bow, which served all the years my purposes, but in the meanwhile it became outworn; it is time, to set forth my chosen path as Ikran makto, to fashion a new bow for protection of my sisters and brothers. Carried from invisible wings, I accomplish my march up to the mountains with ease, in the view of the upcoming ritual. Arrived at the home of our Clan, Kama already received me, in the familiar way. “I see you sister Leo’ni” while he touch his forehead. “I see you my brother and mentor Kama”, touch my forehead too. We review my first lesson and the awesome encounter with the thanator while I showed him the places of the plants and fauna. It was not my first encounter I had with this thanator, but this is a different story. Then Kama calls his Ikran, bounded with him and settled on. I mount on the Ikran too and we set forth to the tree of souls. We sit cross-legged close to the tree of souls, to have the closest connection to Eywa. I feel transferred to the past; at this place, as a point of extreme spiritual significance, here I feel more than at any other place the vibes and the spirit of Eywa.

Kama starts his pray:
“Oh blessed great mother!
Today we go into your great forest,
on the path for Ikran Makto for our sister Leo’ni
where she will gather wood from some of your creations.
Please give us permission, and the wisdom for a good collection,
and give her the knowledge to build a great bow,
and the wisdom for its use as a hunter for our tribe
and for a protector of the people when difficult times come our way.
We thank you Eywa, keeper of the balance.”
Then I carry on Kama’s pray to Eywa:
“Oh blessed great mother!
Please give me your permission, to collect wood from one of your trees, to fashion a great bow.
I ask you for guidance, courage and wisdom,
so that I become closer to you and my brothers and sisters.
Thank you Eywa, to keep the balance, to protect us and for you hearing us this day.”
Kama leads me through the forest, to the historical tree. This is my own interpretation of this tree, because the great honor I feel to harvest woods from the same tree as my Olo’Eyktan Keyeung. A huge tree, as I already expected, what I not expected, struck me more than before with awe: “Kama this is incredible, this is the same tree I found as suitable this morning”. Kama smiles “Eywa is guiding you well sister.” A bright smile lit up my face.
With a jump I catch the lowest branch and lifting me up to stand on it. I start to climb up to the higher branches, because of the thicket of leaves and slender branches; it takes sleight to reach the top of the tree, although it was the second climb on this tree. I look around and discover a strong long branch. Already before I touch them, I know this is the base of my new bow. With help of my knife, my patient and effort I could cut off the branch. On the way to the ground I collect a few of the long slight branches for the arrows. Back to the ground, Kama looks on my harvest woods: “You have chosen well Leo’ni, some fine wood you have gathered", with this sureness I lay down my gift to Eywa, my bow. “I know it was a gift from you, great mother, so I will give it back to you as a gift for the tree, so that its wood can become a part of the forest again.” Eywa knows the importance of this bow and therefore I guess she will appreciate it. A flashing of sadness, mixed up with the gladness comes up. Kama smiles contented as a sign I did it well. He asks me if I’m ready to return to the mountains, to carving the bow. I answer his smile and we fly back with his Ikran to our home.
Arriving in the shelter of the mountains, we sit near the fire and I place the woods, the feathers and the sliver of the rock on a flat rock. I feel transferred again to the past and this familiar feeling give me the sureness, that I chose the right path. Kama is an excellent mentor, he trust in my skills and let me fashion my bow independently. I choose suitable lengths of the collected wood to make the arrows with the help of my hunting knife, bind the arrow tips to the shaft using the sinew, which Kama gives me and then I attach the feathers to the shaft. The long slender branch I harvest for the bow, I start to strip the leaves at the wood in preparation, string it with the sinew and decorate the bow with blooms and strips of plants. Kama takes my finished bow and checks the quality of my work. At the end I get the best result I could. This bow will be ready to take on each burden, for the hunting, for protection and if necessary for defence.
In the meanwhile it becomes noontime and it is time now to finish the ritual of praying to Eywa to thanks for this gift, and to ask her for wisdom and guidance, to safe my paths, so that the balance may be preserved. We kneel down, with the view into the sky, dazzled by the noonday sun, and pause in this magical moment. But this time the heart of a grown-up Na’vi pound so fierce, like the tribal drums of the Tanhi Clan. As in my memories to my child ritual it seems that the sun starts to shine brighter, what I guess as a sign of Eywa, that we did well.
May Eywa always safes the paths of my brothers and sister, my family and myself.

Ikran Makto Kama bonds with his Ikran

Before going to the Ikran nest, I take the time to speak with Eywa, “Oh Great Mother, I am about to face the sacred Ikran, to make the bond and becoming Ikran Makto. Eywa, please give me strength to follow this through, and protect me from the Ikran once one has chosen me, so that I may face him with strength and knowledge, to make the bond and not death.  Great Mother, continue to protect all the people and the Na'vi of Tanhi, protectors of the sacred Ikran”.
Looking at some of the trees near our camp, I walk towards one and find a strong vine that I can use to capture the Ikran, I take it and keep it in my hands.  I then walk up the rock-stairs that goes up around the edge of our camp cave; and make my way across the branch to the sleeping area.  Then slowly I walk across the meshing and make my way to the Ikran Nest.
I can hear them screeching at me, some fly away and some stay.  One comes walking towards me, he stops and screeches, I stand my ground and hiss back at him. He takes a step back and flies away.  A smaller one follows suit, again screeching at me. As I did with the first one, hiss back at him.  This one however does not fly away but instead walks around and behind another one, to seek his protection from this hissing Na'vi.
The one providing protection does not fly away but instead stands his ground staring me down and screeches the loudest out of all of the remaining Ikrans.  His feathers are darker then the others making him stand out.  They are a very dark blue, almost black.  Without looking into his eyes, I stare back at him and hiss again.  He's magnificent, tall with strong legs. When he opens his wings to show he's one of the alpha's, I can see that his wing span is long and wide. I can tell that he's one of their strongest fliers.  Again I hiss at him and he then begins to walk towards me continuing his loud screech.  I feel he has chosen me.  I am glad to have been chosen by this magnificent Ikran.  I begin spinning my vine, crouch and again hiss at him.  From his surprised look seeing my spinning vine, I take this opportunity to throw the vine towards his beak and see it wrap around it, silencing him.  This made him angry and he now charges towards me trying to knock me down with his head and his body.  I dodge and step aside as his momentum makes him pass me.  Now that he's next to me, I jump on his back.  I try to grab his queue but he manages to throw me off him since I had nothing strong to hold onto. As I stand, he walks around me and again charges once more.  I repeat the same defensive manoeuvre and again find myself on his back. This time however I was able to grab his queue when I jumped on him. Quickly I grab mine and finally connect to his and make the bond.
Instantly he calms himself as our thoughts merge. I can feel the rage in him starting to subside followed by a sense of calmness.  Without even me thinking it, he stands.  I then proceed to remove the vine from his beak by slightly leaning forward.  He then stands as high as he can and lets out another mighty screech.  I tell him to calm down and he listens.  I can feel his breathing, his heart pumping and his love of flying.  I can feel his strength and also some of his sadness that he's been captured, thinking that he's lost some of alpha status amongst his nest. With my thoughts, I tell him that everything will be fine, that nothing has changed.  I tell him that I will be his makto and now I feel he's reassured from this.
I hear my mentor call out for his Ikran and see him arrive quickly since it was flying around the nest watching this event unfold.  My mentor quickly mounts his Ikran and makes his bond.  He looks at me with a grin on his face showing a sign of proudness on my behalf as to what I've just accomplished.  He tells me to hurry and to fly soon with my Ikran so that our bond is sealed for life.  I watch him fly off the nest and I follow suit with mine.  I take the time to listen to the thoughts of my Ikran, feeling how he flies as I then start to take control of our flight.  Our bond his finally sealed and I name him “Mu'tang”.  My mentor and I fly-by where other Na'vi have been watching, I can hear their yells and see other makto's join us as we all fly around our great forest and high above the floating mountains.

 Finding my Pa'li
  by Karyu Tirea Txe'lan 

The sun was low in the sky when I found Tsahik and asked that he help me find my Pa'li. I had been asking for some weeks, and finally he felt I was ready.

Already I had dreams of finding my Pa'li, and in these dreams, she was close to the mountains with several others.

I already knew what I would call her, for Eywa had given told me her name in my dreams also. It was such a beautiful name and I knew I would not have chosen better.

Tsahik took me to Home Tree to pray to Eywa for guidance on where we should look for my Pali and for luck in our endeavour.

Again, I saw her as I closed my eyes and looked to the sky, my lips forming silent words of hope and thanks.

I was told to follow trails from the mountains, and this is also what Tsahik had told me... he had been following trails already for several weeks before I had asked his help.

After some minutes of listening to Eywa, we stood up and made our way towards the mountains.

There were indeed fresh trails there, and we both crouched down to look closer and to catch the scent of the creatures.

As I had dreamt, there had been several Pa'li here, and as words from Eywa had told me, the trails led away from the mountains, down towards the river.

Standing up and eager to find her, I hurried down towards the river and stopped suddenly as my eyes beheld a beautiful sight. A lone Pa'li stood across the water and she looked up as I watched her, wondering if she was the one from my dreams.

For moments I was caught in her gaze, looking on her as she looked on me.

Tsahik bid me to follow him and we crossed the river using a fallen tree. Again, I stopped, now closer to the Pa'li and wondering if she would stay or if she would run, for I knew she was not mine if she ran.

I carefully stepped closer, my eyes never leaving her, until I was almost by her side.

She had not run and my heart was beating as fast as the thundering footsteps of a running tribe. I now knew she was the right one...she was my Txeptsyip - my little fire.

Slowly, gently, I lay my hand against her strong neck and leaned in towards her, pressing my face against her warm body for a few moments, before carefully taking my Queue and connecting it to hers.

The feeling was one which I am not able to fully describe in words that could express it.

It was as if a part of me came alive that I had not known was there before, and all at once, I felt at one with her strength, her free spirit, her oneness with the earth.

She was mine now, although I knew of course, that I would never truly own her and would not wish to own her...she was a free creature of Eywa.

Turning and smiling to Tsahik, I climbed upon her back and closed my eyes, my hands pressed to her neck as she waited for my silent command.

I opened my eyes and looking to the sky for a moment, thanked Eywa for guiding us to my beautiful Txeptsyip as I allowed my mind to fill with visions of her walking away from the river and towards the mountains once more.

Tsahik called his own Pa'li and we rode through the forest of Pandora for a time, giving thanks once more to Eywa in the home Tree.

After a time, I felt that she should be returned to her sisters in the Pa'li village and we rode there as darkness fell further down the skies.

Still with joy in my heart, I leant over once more to rest my cheek against her warm neck before sliding down to the ground, and bidding her to go join her sisters once more.

I knew now that in times of need, or if I called to her, she would come to me, like a flame to my heart.

Kaltaw's First Bow

 by Eyk' tsamsiyu Makto  Cumfort

I met Kaltaw at the home camp in the floating mountains one day, and he asked for my help in making his first bow.

I was honored to say the least. We began by climbing down to the forest
to the tree of souls, to ask Eywa first of permission to harvest wood from one of her trees, we offered our prayers and asked for guidance and protection form the great thanator. We then made our way in to the forest to find a suitable tree, I informed Kaltaw that the wood from Home tree was not to be used in the making of a bow.

We searched and searched to find a good tree then I noticed Kaltaw was not behind me, I grew alarmed and followed my trail back till I found where he had left the trail. I tracked him quickly worried that unarmed he might be in danger. But I found him near the village and all was well. We then found the tree and asked it permission to gather some of its wood. Tsahik Liyan came up at that point asking if she could watch, Kaltaw was very happy to include her in the ritual.

I instructed Kaltaw to climb the tree and look for wood he felt would be the right fit for his bow. He climbed higher and higher looking and asking the tree for the right wood. Finding it he looked down in joy then noticing just how high he had climbed.

He made his way down carefully, holding the wood and trying not to fall. As he neared the ground he tried to jump but caught his foot he rolled to the ground looking embarrassed. Getting up he dusted him self off and we thanked the tree and placed a gift in the ground at its base.

We then made our way to the mountains and made our way up to our camp when we got there we met Olo'eyktan Ney, She asked if it would be ok to observe. I removed my bow and quiver of arrows to show Kaltaw how I had made my bow. I then took some feathers and a sinew from my pouch Kaltaw saw the Sinew and explained his mother had taught him to make a bow string from his own hair and that he had made it already in anticipation of today’s ritual.

This pleased me greatly he is a good student and will make a fine Hawpanyu. I then watched as he carefully crafted his bow stinging it he looked to me for approval it was a fine bow I told him. He smiled brightly. Then he began with the arrows putting the feathers on to make it fly true, and using an antler as a tool he fashioned his arrowheads from shards of fire circle stone. Looking up when he was done we all told him what a fine bow it was and began to dance.

 Holy Day of The Bow
by Medusa 
Let us sit around this fire, this same fire which left a memorable mark in my memory and for the reason I am going to tell you. It was a blessed day of Eywa when I was together with our Olo' eyktan Neytiri and as she whispered to me: he is soon going to arrive, I see him high on the Akri there. I raised the head and observed our Tsahik Keyeung coming down towards us. Once the presentations were made, he asked me what was my favorite activity. When I answerd: the hunting, he was delighted and invited me to follow him in the search of my bow. We left Olo' eyktan Neytiri who accompanied us with his wishes of success and we made a long and dangerous descent towards the forest. Along the way, we made a stop near a big breathtaking white, magnificent tree and coated with a very intense spiritual athmosphère: the spirit of Eywa. Tsahik Keyeung in master of ceremonies, invited me to sit down by his side and began the solemn prayer to ask Eywa for its permission to collect the precious wood I would need for my bow.

We were joined by our Sister Cumfort. At the end of the ceremony, with the blessing of Eywa, still under the estomached effect of the sacred seeds, we continued our walk towards the bottom of the forest. Along the way, we met sisters and brothers of the forest and we continued with caution our progression to a place of very powerful trees. This place was near a funny place which looked like a cage for Hoomans, which I am used to name Skypeople. Although the nearness of those creatures recommends us the biggest caution, we were able to continue our activities without being disturbed. I put my hand on the bark of the tree, asked the permission to take the precious branches of this invaluable material and when I felt in trust, I climbed flexibly the trunk and arrived at the top, to choose the most beautiful branches. While Tsahik was inspecting the environment to be sure we were secured, I followed the spirit of Eywa to make my choice.

On returning to the ground, Tsahik Keyeung put down a small present at the feet of the tree for the reme to thank him and we left, not without inspecting a little the place before we took the road back to the mountains. After our long climb, we were welcomed by our Olo' eyktan Neytiri, which was enjoyed to hear of our adventure and suggested making the fire for the ceremony of the bow. Indeed, our Tsahik was going to learn me to build it with the collected wood and was going to guide me in the spirituality of Eywa, so that it brings me the necessary energy to serve and protect all the beings of the community of Eywa.

Accompanied with Olo' eyktan Neytiri and with Tsahik Keyeung, I learnt with a lot of concentration and application to assemble my bow, arrows, feathers. I followed him step by step in the realization, observing the slightest gesture which I saw him making with an inconceivable dexterity.

Once the bow was assembled, we were all very satisfied and after prayers to Eywa and the last appropriate movements for the ritual, we were invited by Olo' eyktan Neytiri to a meal which was well deserved! A dance around the fire came to enclose our rejoicing and whereas I realized that I was better huntress than a dancer, this solemn day finished in the laughter and the festivities.

The story of Tsahik Sandy and Eyk' tsamsiyu Makto Cumfort

The carving of their first bow

I had met of briefly with Sandy and Cumfort the previous day, they were new to our clan, and were much welcomed, when later I met again with them, they were with our clans Tasahik, Neytiri and were near the tree of souls talking. As I approached Neytiri asked of me to help with Sandy and Cumfort, for the tradition of the Tanhi’s clan, the carving of their first bow’s.

This is a special time for new clans members and a long tradition within the Tanhi clan, a time in which they get to know themselves, and a time to learn of the clan, and of the clans ways and traditions, beliefs and values. And I was honored to be asked of this, to be chosen to guide the new prospective Taronyu and Tsamsiyu at this the very start of their new paths.

Their journey thus started as we made our way to the tree of souls, to ask Eywa first of permission to harvest wood from one of her trees, that they may find branches of the correct length and flexibility. That Ewya may bless of the them the wisdom to use these wisely. We sit silently before Ewya, and offer prayers to her for both her permission and blessings in this, the important start of their journey.

Moe za'u eo nga fikem trr, ne nga ngeya

Moe za'u eo nga fikem trr ne nga ulte

Tsni, mune fko ne tsamsiyu, fko ne taronyu

Nga hu,, titxur ulte fte efo nga ulte

Moe pawm nga, tsni nga ting ne tsni efo fko ngeya

Once these prayers were offered to Ewya, we thanked Ewya, and I asked Sandy and Cumfort if they were ready to begin this most special part of their journey. Once we were ready, final prayers of thanks were offered to mother Eywa, and we made our wat through the cave above the river along famliar hunting paths to me. We crept silently past the mighty Pallalukan who watched down upon us from her lair, then onwards past the great falls and stream pausing to look towards Home tree before moving onwards. This day I will help you seek out a great tree for you to ask of the wood you seek, we approached slowly and with much caution towards the human base, where I often take prospective clans members to seek woods for their first bow.

Looking around, satisfying myself that for now, there seemed to be no one else around, I showed Sandy and Cumfort of the tree that we had come to seek of permission to havest wood from. A great tree, I explained to Sandy and Cumfort that there are many great trees of the forest, and there should never be need to seek wood from Home Tree. We knelt down before the great tree to ask of permission to collect fine wood of this tree so that these two sisters may start their journey to become closer to Eywa.

Watching on, Sandy first then Cumfort made their way high into canopy in search of suitable woods for their bows, carefully chosing wood that was of the correct length and flexibility, at length they climbed back down and showed of me the wood they had chosen, I said they had chosen wisely. I offered final thanks to the tree and burried a small gift a the base of the tree in gratitude of the tree's gift this day.

We made our way silently away from the tree, looking one last time to make sure we were not being followed, and then headed past Home Tree, towards the Great Falls, and onwards up the moutain trail. Pausing briefly to look across the great forest, then back along the pathway, we continued ever upwards towards the great mountains and the welcoming safety and belonging they offer.
We made out way to the great cavern, by the fires, feeling their welcoming warmth greeting us once more, I went up further high into the mountains to retrieve flight feathers that Awsiteng had gifted me, these Sandy and Cumfort would need fro themselves to finish of their bows and arrows, I brought down also lengths of sinew that they would need. Explaining that I would teach them how to prepare sinew for their bows when the time came for them to make new ones.

We placed all that we had gathered onto the ground, I removed my bow and started showing Sandy and Cumfort how this is to be made, I they watched patiently as this was explained to them. They started work on their wood under my careful guidence, using their cutting blades to shape and trim the wood, and the arrow shafts, we retrieved sharps from the great fire place for their arrow tips, and I showed them how to string these onto the arrow shafts.

Once this was done and the bows were strung, I explained to Sandy and Cumfort, they would have to become one with their bows, and that they are an extension of both Ewya and the clans that inhabit the great forest and mountains, that they will need use of judgemnt and much wisdome in this matter. Explaining that the Bow is deeply spiritual, we have thanks to Ewya for this day, for these two Clan members that have found their way to Ewya and the mountains, this was a good day.

The Story of Antanvi
This is set between Keyeung finding the great forest, and his eventual finding of the great mountain home, as such this builds upon my arrival to the great nAvitar forest, this describes more fully how I found my way into the great mountains of nAvitar.

These events took place three months ago

Having made a decision to leave yet again, the peoples Keyeung had discovered in his endless search for news of his parents, he now headed on perhaps the most perilous journey, bringing him closer to these strange creatures he had been following across nAvitar. Catching glimpses of their strange noisy dragons in the sky he had continued to follow them, in the distance catching sight from time to time of these great mountains that seemed to float high in the sky. He had been drawn somehow to these mountains, but now had arrived in yet another strange place, now without food or knowledge of where he was.

He quickly found this was a very different, very dangerous place to be caught out in the open, not like the other places he had explored. For the first time he saw these strange creatures much closer, they were not friendly as he might have imagined. He was chased onto the forest and quickly learned these strange creatures were not to be trusted. Tired and now very hungry, he was reluctant to go near anyone, alone in a strange forest, he wondered, learning quickly that the strange creatures were mostly active during the day, there were other dangers in the forest at night, of these he was more familiar.

At length he found a source of water, and Utu Mauti fruit, this was also frequented by a large Angtsik he would approach when he was not there watching, as Keyeung knew these to be dangerous sometimes. It was one night when he was there at the water’s edge drinking when he heard noise approaching, looking round fearing a human had found him, or worse he found himself looking into the eyes of this beautiful creature. A creature that was Grey with bright blue strips, he knew that he was looking at a Pali.

A feeling of peace and hope came to him that night, we looked at each other for a while, not knowing what to make of each other, then she nuzzled her great nose against me, I knew that she was searching for foods, I offered her what I had found, which we shared. I followed her deeper into the forest, and grew tired, and at length could travel no further, she kept pushing me with her great head, and I reluctantly allowed her to, finally we came across a place in deep in the forest, where she felt it was safer to be. Here I fell into a fitful sleep, my dreams haunted of recent events.

I awoke to bright day light with a start, looking around myself, I saw immediately that the Pali was still there, she had been sleeping, but also had watched over me that night, we walked for a while together, as she allowed me to follow of her. She showed me places in the great forest where I could find more foods, places that were safe to be around, where few humans came. In this time of need she had come into my life as a bright ray of light, a name came to me for her Atanvi this means Ray.

We continued to walk the forest together, and would find each other through the next two weeks, and at length yes she did allow me to try and ride her, this I found very difficult and it was with much amusement that I would mostly end up back on the ground, I was not a natural horse person. Our bonding over time however grew, and somehow she must have known, I was not comfortable in the great forest, I was curious of the forest and the humans there, but felt I did not belong there.

Her lasting gift to me then, will be the day I remember with much sadness mixed with joy, I had seen of the great mountains of nAvitar, and was drawn to these, but had never found my way there, she must have sensed this, for this day I was trying to ride with her and was as usual falling off. We went a different way, I had explored much of the great forest, but had not been where she now showed me, she kept pushing me along, and at length we came to this great water fall, and a slippery fallen log, and a partly hidden passing which she kept pushing me towards.

She helped me find my way up towards the mountains, and at length she could go no further, we sat for a long time sharing foods together, before finally pushing me towards a tunnel into the mountains, towards what would become my home and my new life. It was with much sadness that I finally climbed up towards this opening, pausing I vowed to come down from the mountains regularly so that we could seek each other out. To this day I still owe her a lot for the help that she provided to me, and yes we do seek each other out when I travel down to the great forest. The Tanhi mountains are my home now, and this I will never give up, but I will never forget the kindness shown to me by her.

 Atan Comes Home
Have to tell you this incredible blessing Eywa has blessed us with. One recent morning I was greeted by the ever beautiful Atan and she was just beaming this huge smile with a look she gives when she has been up to something. "Atan, what is it please tell me." I asked her. She smiles and asks, " Have you heard the news?" I am thinking there is only one thing that would make her look so radiant. Her and Keyeung. "She sees my look of understanding and laughs, "Tsahik Neytiri, my Keyeung has asked me to join him at Tanhi clan if my Olo'Eyktan Neyteri gives me permission to. "Oh? How do you feel will you accept his request?" Again she laughs. "Someone wise as yourself need to ask that Tsahik Neytiri? I knew she had she has loved Keyeung from the moment those two met. "Well, I would be very honored if you joined the Tanhi clan and I know that Olo'Eyktan NING would too." She was smiling even larger now if thats possible, I have never seen anyone with such a huge smile. We chatted for awhile longer so very excited then down the mountain she flew on her ikran to ask her Olo' Eyktan Neyteri for permission.
That afternoon I see Atan again flying up to the mountain on her ikran, again with a huge smile. "She said YES!!" "Oh Atan that is incredible news!! Let me show you a hut that you and Keyeung can reside in, consider it your new home." I led her up the logs to the next mountain where my hut stood. I thought for a moment about the times I had here but realized a young couple needs a place they can call home. "Atan, I give this to you now so you will have a place to spend quiet time with your Keyeung." She was clearly touched by my offer. "Tsahik Neytiri, are you sure where will you go?" I reassured her that I would be.
She then gracefully accepted. Its now complete. Our Keyeung has brought home his love and I could not be happier.

Shared Sinew

I have met of Kama, Neytiri had introduced him to me, a wonderer whom had found his way into the mountains, like so many in the past, like me I guess. We sat for a while in the great mountain chambers near the inviting fires, feeling the warmth. Kama spoke some of his past to me, and the choices he had made that led him here, I listened thinking of my own past. At length, Kama asked of me to assist him with his bow, for his path would be that of Taronyu, and a bow he would need for this, a good bow, one of strength, and wisdom to guide.

I had been thinking of making for myself a new bow for some time now, although my bow is part of me, and had been putting this off for a long time, my bow is special to me. Looking at Kama, I said, I have some special gifts for you that will be of help then, these I had already collected some time previous. Removing from a pouch a role of sinew that I had collected from the Yerik that I had been hunting, carefully dried and stretched in readiness, and something very special, that I knew would be difficult for a new prospective Taronyu to obtain.

Firstly I handed Kama the sinew, then these are special, they are from Awsiteng, my Ikran, handing Kama the magnificent feathers that she had given me, looking at kama, I said, lets go down to the forest, and see what trouble we can get into while finding wood for your bow. Following Kama down the great crawl-ways and hidden paths, down ropes and cliff edges, inches away from deep chasms, across log bridges, and down towards the great lake, and past the great falls we paused.

This is not a safe place, warning Kama, our sanctuary is and always will be in the mountains, never forget this, we crept close the human cage, watching those who dwell inside for a while, before disappearing back into the darkness again. Heading towards Home Tree, then onwards to a large tree that I have asked for and been blessed with wood from before. Looking at Kama, for now you may make you bow of this tree, once you are Taronyu then only if you wish, may you make use of wood from Home Tree.

We looked at the tree for a while, at length, Kama you may ask of Ewya for permission to take from the tree only that what you need, and be sure to ask of the tree also. Kama offered prayers to Ewya for permission to take from the tree, and then of the tree he asked the same. Collecting fallen branches for arrows, he then climbed high into the tree finding a branch that was strong and flexible, this he carefully selected, before climbing back down.

Asking Kama, is he was happy with his selection, for one day this would save his life, we offered thanks again to Ewya and the tree, before climbing back towards the mountains, seeking shelter again in the great mountain chamber by the fire. Watching Kama skillfully strip the bark from the branch, I looked on as he worked on his bow, remembering the making of my first bow here. Watching as he shaped the ends of the bow, and wound the sinew, tensioning the bow, looking with great pride as he held the bow up, examining it for flaws, all was good. This bow would serve him well, I watched him shape the arrows, he needed little guidance, in this, the remaining twine, he formed the arrow flights with, attaching Awsitengs feathers, hardening the arrow tips in the fire. With this done, I looked at Kama with much pride, for he reminded me of myself in many ways, the saying to him solemnly now you need learn of this, one day it save your life, in this if you wish I will guide you.

We asked Ewya for blessings, and thanked Ewya for this…..Kama and I asked Eywa to bless his new bow and arrows so that Kama, can become a good hunter for the tribe, and if need be, also use these new tools to protect the tribe from any harm that may comes our way. Keyeung and Kama then celebrated by dancing around our campfire and continued to bless Eywa.

       Kama's Bow
About a week after arriving and exploring the sky mountains of nAvitar, I finally encountered another Na'vi. I had just met the Tanhi Tsahik, Neytiri Aurotharius, and she openly invited this lost Na'vi into the Tanhi tribe as a hunter.

Neytiri showed me the ways of the Mountains and how to get around them, its various fruits and vegetation, what is eatable and what isn't. She then introduced me to Keyeung Attis where he then became my mentor. As we sat at the clan camp fire exchanging stories, I asked about the flying dragons I had seen. I quickly learned that these dragons were flying machines from new aliens, sky people they called them, that had arrived. That some would come out with crystal masks, some looking like the Na'vi, and they would explore the forest and collecting items from it. They also told me that some would also come out in walking machines and on occasion would hurt the people. As a new young hunter for the clan, I wanted to prove myself; I stood up and told Keyeung and Neytiri that I wanted to make a bow to become a good hunter and to protect my new tribe.

With Keyeung being Ikran Makto, we then rode his Ikran down to the forest and he began showing me some of its ways, and telling me more stories about the sky people and the various tribes that live in the forest. He then brought me to a tree near the sky people compound. I gathered some strong and straight branches that had fallen unto the ground, and with Eywa's blessing, I then climbed this great tree, found a long branch that was both strong and flexible for what a bow needs to be, took my blade and cut it down.

The following day, Keyeung and I met at the Tanhi camp and we sat by the fire. I gathered some of the fallen branches I collected the day before, some hard pointed stones that were lying near the camp fire; and using feathers that Keyeung gave me from his Ikran, I started making my arrows. I then took the long branch I had cut and with tree twine, I constructed my Bow. Once everything was assembled, I asked Eywa to bless my new bow and arrows so that I, Kama, can become a good hunter for the tribe, and if need be, also use these new tools to protect the tribe from any harm that may comes our way. Keyeung and I then celebrated by dancing around our campfire and continued to bless Eywa. Keyeung then showed me how to use my bow as best as possible, how to stand, how to hold it, how to aim and how to shoot straight and far, as we both practiced shooting arrows at targets.

That same night, I decided to go Yerik hunting on my own and test my new skills. Making my way around the mountains and staying in the tall grass, I finally saw my first prey. I quietly pulled my bow off my shoulder, took my best arrow, pulled and let loose. With a distinctive "swoosh", my arrow flew out of my bow at an amazing speed landing directly where I was aiming on the Yerik, and he fell to the ground. I then walked up to him, asked Eywa to take his spirit back so that the Na'vi can use his flesh for food. I took out anther arrow and again with an amazing “swoosh”, I let lose and sent the Yerik's spirit to Eywa. I was sad for his death but also with the excitement of my first hunt couldn't wait to return to our camp with some fresh meat for the tribe.

As I continue my journey both in the Mountains and in the great forest, always learning, I am discovering that I'm becoming a good Yerik hunter. I'm now looking forward to be granted the privilege of making the bond with Ikran and becoming Tanhi's newest Ikran Makto so as to hunt from the sky above with my bow.


My first week as a Hunter in Tanhi Clan
by  Kenong Co'Nie
From my first day in the Great Na'vi Forest my hunting ability has grown and my thirst for knowledge expanded. My training as a young child to seek and help others has become very useful and I feel I am needed and can share with so many the spirit of loving all creatures and nursing the ill.
The first few days I have been exploring the forest floor and climbing mountains. So many mountains to climb I came across Neyetri Kiyeri Mo'at and instantly hid in the grasses. For Neyteri was hunting. Neyteri whispered softly to me to watch and listen for this was my first lesson in providing for the clan. As a hunter we only need enough to feed and we waste nothing. Anything not eaten is given back to the spirit of Eywa and the people. Neyteri stood proudly before me and explained how the kill provides. As I did not have a bow and only two days old in the forest I was unguarded. Neyteri told me of the aliens, and to be on guard and that I would need a bow till I was to make my own. Walking in the forest alone and unarmed is dangerous. I was given Neyteri first bow. With this I thanked her greatfully and spoke of how I would treasure this wonderful gift. For I knew the history to this bow would be long and very spiritual. I am now a week old and have looked upon many bows and none mean as much to me as the one Neyteri has given me. For this shoots straight and true. I hope with many days pratice and wisdom I too can carry this bow on with many stories to tell, and maybe one day pass it on to a young Clan member. With the spirit of Eywa and the people this bow will live on.