
Neytiri's Vision
One of the most eventful days I have ever known as a young Tahni Tsahik is the day I became an Ikran Makto.  The vision I had that day remains with me and one I shall never forget... 

As my mind grew dark I saw visions of my future. In this vision I was sitting at the waters edge cooling my feet in the water.

I see in the corner of my eye a fan lizard glowing.

I run through a field of ferns to disturb a group of resting fan lizards, and then marvel as the luminous magenta and purple discs float to the safety of a nearby branch.

In the nAvitar twilight, a fan lizard makes his way to me. Instead of being angry and glowing he is quite docile and spoke softly.

"You will heal many people in your tribe and find ways of doing so quickly to save many."

He told me not only my future but he spoke of my dream as well.

To be a Healer but telling me I would find a way to save many.

Being a hunter enables that. I can feed the people and fly a mighty ikran to save them quickly. I feel this is my future.

I pray thanks to Eywa for blessing me richly. For allowing me the ability to climb the mountain and taking my first kill.

To be able to carry the yerik over my shoulders and down the mountain even though it was heavy and the body very hot.

I am thankful for that day and for Eywa's wisdom and strength.

I see you... Brother and thank you. Your spirit goes with Eywa but your body stays behind to become part of the people.

Smiles...I feel my vision soon will be fulfilled.

Neytiri Aurotharius

      Olo'eyktan Keyeung's Vision
I awake, open my eyes and look around me, finding myself in the middle of the the mountains. In the distance, I can see mountains and below the great forest. There is a fire to my left, outside of a cave, I know this place to be home, but nothing seems familiar. I am welcomed by soaring Irkan, of which there were two floating high above me, I here their call to me, I look up at them for a while. It is dusk Earth Mother Ewya had put on a welcoming show in the mountains around me the most magnificent visual feast of Woodsprites (Atokirina’ in Na'vi) I had ever seen, a deep peace had descended as watches the sacred seeds.

I look down at the ground, which becomes transparent, I see below me, the great forest, and make out Home Tree, The Tree of Souls, the great lake, I see my friends below me, my mentor Shain, Atan, Rian, Neytiri, Lia and others. I look down to where I had been hunting with Shain, and have thoughts of my training, I look down to where I had seen the big cat, she is not there, I look at the place of my first kill, where Ewya honoured me with one of her precious creatures, a tear forms in mine eye for the creature. I look to the falls, where I had buried the Yeriks sacred body. I say to myself again a prayer of thanks to Ewya thanking Ewya for her gift to me.

Looking down I see the hooman cage, its machines, the destruction our sacred lands, from up here the damage seems less, I watch the tiny hoomans scuttling around at their tasks like insects, I look for meaning in this, I crouch looking down and drift into that wordless state of pure being, as I consider both the hooman and my peoples impact on our world, there must be a balance to be found.

I look up into the growing darkness, aware that I am no longer alone, my heart races, I can not immediately make out what has come into my space, as I look I hear the familiar low growl, with growing realisation I now know why I could not see the great Cat in the great forest, at last the glowing eyes reflecting the fire light become clear to me. I consider my fate, as I look at the magnificent animal rushing towards me, I begin to run, everything happens in slow motion, I think about my bow, my training, all that I have learned, as realisation comes to me that there is no where left to run, I feel like the Yerik I hunted down with my mentor.

I look back at the Pallukan running towards me, I watch it descend upon me, expecting nothing but my end, I look at the claws of the cat against my skin as she pins me to the ground, a thought flashes through my mind, when I die, my story will have grown, well my story has grown, and if this is my time then I am happy to become one with Ewya.

Within me I hear a voice that is not a voice, it seems to be saying if you wish to travel this path, then you must accept all the shadows within you and of those around you, even the very darkest, those that live within you, and those that you encounter, these you need to bring together to become whole. I look into the animals eyes, this is going to be a long journey. I feel a deep peace come upon me, the moment passes in an instant, I feel the mighty cat slacken its hold on me, and then she releases me, we stare at each other for a while, I once again hear a voice, it seems to be saying 'When next we meet......' She turns back into the darkness and is gone.

I try to consider the moment in an eternity and hold onto the message, I search for meaning in this......

Slowly I awake

I look at my brothers and sisters looking down on me......

Keyeung Attis

                                                    Ikran Makto Kama's Vision

I open my eyes, I am laying on my back on the ground in the forest.  There are no na'vi around, but only the sound of the forest. I hear the wind blowing through the trees and the sound of all of Eywa's creatures.  I can hear the roar of the Thanator, the buzzing of Kenten (fan lizards), the screech of the Ikran.  As I begin to gain focus, I see up the trees some Prolemuris swinging from branch to branch.  As I stand, one begins to come closer, he jumps down and lands on the ground standing next to me.  Feeling fear because of the current state of confusion I am in, I tightly grab on to my bow, not yet knowing if I should also load it with an arrow, or to swing it like a staff or a spear.  Then I see a Atokirina seed come towards me and lands on my bow, bounces a few times and flies away. As I watch, I can feel the fear leaving me followed by a sense of protection.  It is Eywa telling me to be calm and to watch and listen to this Prolemuris.  She is reminding me that it is not the way to fight and to kill out of fear.
I crouch and stare at this strange monkey in the eyes for a few minutes. He makes various gestures and his eyes keep moving up.  When I finally realize that his strange motions are not meant out of avoidance, I take my gaze away from his eyes and look up in the same direction he is. Up in the branches, I can see more Prolemuris flying from branch to branch. I can see how they open their side membranes and use it to soar.  I can see them leap from great distances between each branch.  From behind me, I can hear other Prolemuris scream. Still crouching, I turn and look towards that direction and can see some launching themselves from some of the highest of branches.  These ones also open wide their side membranes and using it to catch the wind to slow their fall as they grab one of the last branches, breaking their fall to the ground.
The Prolemuris then speaks to me saying: “Brother I saw you when you first awoke on our shores from the storm that brought you here.  You have become a great hunter for the people and have learned when and when not to kill.  You have learned to listen to Eywa and how to feel her will through the Atokirina. Now you must listen to what I have to tell you to become a great Ikran Makto.  You see how we fly from branch to branch. You see of we us our shape when leaping to the ground and use the air to soar. This is how we play and feel freedom. This is also how you must fly your Ikran.  When you fly him, enjoy this time and instead of using all of his might, tell him to spread his wings wide open, to catch the air, to soar.  And when soaring, together find the warm air that will bring you higher and higher and feel that freedom.  This will make both you and your Ikran very glad, and will strengthen your bond.  I nod and sit on the ground, I then close my eyes remembering the words of the Prolemuris.  Through the distance, I can hear some singing and some chanting.  I again begin to feel the sound of the drums vibrating through my body. I slowly open my eyes and see that I'm laying near our fire circle surrounded by the people.  I slowly start to feel my muscles and my body again until I have enough strength to move.  I slowly sit and begin telling my dream to those who are gathered here today.

Eyk' tsamsiyu Makto  Cumforts Vision

In my vision I am walking in the forest and as always alert for any strange movement.
I’m not sure why today I am feeling so frightened as I am usually at peace in the forest.
As I pass a large rock I become aware of a  movement out of the corner of my eye.
I freeze and turn my head, it’s the largest Thanator I have ever seen.
Suddenly my feet will not move, while my mind screams to act.
My hands hang limp at my sides, useless as a fear starts to overcome me.
I cannot reach for my weapons. I know at this moment I am dead.
Then just as suddenly command of my body returns and I start to run faster than I have ever ran before.
I can feel the breath of the Thanator on my neck, but I keep running toward the river nearby.
I dive in to the waters and swim hard for the far shore.
Climbing out of the water, I turn to see the Thanator is on top of me staring into my eyes.
My heart is beating ever faster and faster.
Then I hear a deep voice from inside my head that starts talking to me.
This strange voice is telling me of a future, where I am a leader of the warriors and a protector of the Eywa's people.
The voice goes on to tell of the strange skypeople coming and the troubles that they will bring to this land of Eywa.
Continuing the voice says to me that I will need to be strong and wise to guide my people to protect the ways of Eywa.
The image of this huge Thanator then fades into the mist and my eyes begin to focus on my clan members surrounding me as I come out of my sleep.