Follow the Light

Tanhi at Prayer

The Light Within Tsahik Sandy

As I have grown older, I believe that Eywa had destined me to be a Hawpanyu in her plan for the Na’vi. Early in my upbringing, I sat and listened to the Hawpanyu of my family clan. My grandmother would take me for long walks in the forest and teach me more about all the plants and their healing properties. Then my great grandmother took in a sick little girl we found in the forest and was treating her. This small girl was starved and had been alone a long time. Her name was Cumfort and she was very adventurous and curious girl. She always seemed to be getting in to things often resulting in her getting injured. It fell to me to treat her using the knowledge I had gained from my grandmother and the clan Hawpanyu.

It was after one of the adventures, when we returned to our clan glen that we found our village destroyed and every one of the clan were gone. For me this was over powering. It was with the support of Cumfort that I regained my willpower to live. Together we decided to leave that land and seek a new place to live. Using the knowledge of plants that I had gained, I was able to find us nourishment as we roamed. It was a hard time for us, but with help from Eywa, we continued to roam until recently when we came to this new wonderful land. We were immediately introduced to Neytiri Aurotharius, then the Tanhi clan Tsahik. She listened to our stories and then spoke to us about what could be our place in this clan. She said that the clan was in need of an experienced Hawpanyu and that she believed it was Eywa’s purpose that I should become a Tanhi Hawpanyu.

From that day forward, I have spent my days searching this land for old and new plants that I could use for the caring of not just the Tanhi clan, but all the clans in this tribe. I have listened to the elders of the clans, describing the plants of this land and how they are known to help in the healing of the injured. This information could not have come at a better time. There was a growing conflict between the Na’vi and the new sky people. Then the sky people started provoking the wild animals to become more hostile toward all. These conflicts resulted in several Na’vi becoming injured. I immediately went to them and helped provide the care and treatment for their healing. As I watched each one heal, I felt a strong sense of pride that what I had learned was being put to a meaningful purpose. Often I have been told that I have an exceptional knowledge of the healing properties of the plants that Eywa has given us to use. They tell me that when I place my hands on their body, they can feel the healing energy flow into their body. I have to tell them it is not a skill or energy I have, but the energy that Eywa is sending through me to heal them.

Although I have been through a trying and demanding time, I now feel that this was Eywa’s plan to make me strong and knowledgeable. I spend time each day at the Tree of Souls praying and asking Eywa for the guidance to improve my healing skills. Healing is something I feel very strong about. Recently Neytiri Aurotharius summoned me to her presence. She had now taken the position of Olo'eyktan and one of her first actions was to ask me to further serve the clan as Eyk Hawpanyu so that I might take my knowledge of healing and train the new Hawpanyu in these skills. My life has moved in a continuing upward path, first from the need to help my family, then to gain further knowledge of the healing process to serve my clan. Now instead of being only a student, I am responsible for training the new Hawpanyu. I can look back now and say that my life has been very rewarding. I hold a strong sense of pride in knowing that I have a useful purpose in serving our clan and Eywa’s wishes.